Broken Perspective: The Summary

'Broken Perspective' is a womenswear collection of screen and digital prints designed for Spring/Summer 17. 

The collection is based around the idea of restoring beauty to the broken. It explores the idea of broken fragments of glass and ceramics dispersing, cracking and smashing, and how this can appear aesthetically appealing, even after destruction. 

The collection contains bright fresh colours and a combination of opaque and sheer fabrics, in the form of a variety of cottons and silk organza. 'Broken Perspective' is marketed towards younger women as vacation wear for high end resort destinations. The collection is designed for blocky loose crops tops, high waisted skirts and shift dresses.

The Colour Board: The Colour Palette was inspired by the Serpentine Pavilion, in Hyde Park. From looking at the complimentary colours, green and pink with the addition of a fresh yellow. I aimed to achieve a colour story that was bright, fresh, clean and contemporary.

The Concept Board:

The Basics: The first of my two photoshoots, I decided to do a simple photoshoot as well as a styling shoot, so that I could show of the qualities of the fabrics with a clear background. View the complete photoshoot here: The Basics

The Dunes: The second of the two photoshoots. A styling shoot, taken on the sand dunes in Portmarnock to give an idea of the work in context as it is aimed at high end vacation wear. View the complete shoot here: The Dunes
All feedback welcome.
Barry T.

Feel free to follow me on:
Twitter: Baarold
Instagram: barryt95
Tumblr: barryharryt
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